
Showing posts from 2012

The Incarnation

Christmas Eve

O Immanuel

O King of the Nations

O Dayspring

O Key of David

O Root of Jesse

O Adonai

O Wisdom

Bad Theology Damages People (But Jesus Is Good News)

Translate 321: Can you help translate a great gospel presentation?

The Anointing

Advent is Trinitarian

A Tale of Two Texts

It's Father Christmas' Day! A Day for High Christology and Punching Heretics

Help! The Bishop says I'm Poisonous!

Believing 'in' the Whale?

The Great Thing About Advent = It's All About Jesus

Jesus is like Joash, Only Better

Pentecost is Trinitarian

Why Parliament's reaction to the General Synod matters to the rest of us

So what is baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Apostleship Under the Cross

Some Perspective on Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Apostleship in Christ

History: Does it matter?

Identity, Activity and Apostleship

Spotting Apostles

Why the Reformation and the Revival are different (unless you're Welsh!)

We don't need hype; we need Jesus!

Why Pentecostals and Charismatics have all the more reason to rejoice on Reformation Day

Bad News in Belfast: Of Rhetoric, Culture, Gospel and Appropriate Responses

The Spirit's Mission & The Spirit's Gifts

A few thoughts from the news: The place of faith in British society

God's Two Words: Law and Gospel

I'm not the centre of the universe (and neither are you)!

On the Sunday After Convention

The Other Gifts: Singleness and Marriage