
Showing posts from January, 2016

Come to the Table 5: Of Zombie-Bread and Living Bread

Seeing the Trinity in the Old Testament: 4 Rules for Reading from Martin Chemnitz

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?: An Answer From the Reformation

Come to the Table 4: Fountain of Life

Come to the Table 3: Fed from His Fullness

The Glory of the Lord (by D.P. Williams)

Why What Happened in 1916 Happened: D.P. Williams, Hutchinson and the Parting of the Ways

The Theotokos and the Theodochos (Or When Mary met Simeon)

Come to the Table 2: How Precious is Your Lovingkindness

Happy 100th Birthday to the Apostolic Church

Happy Epiphany! The Feast of Gospel Proclamation

Top Book List: 2015

Come to the Table

2016 And All That