Monday Night at Ablaze UK
Tonight there was some really good news at the Convention: 1) A number of children and youth have got saved over the past few days 2) The Convention will be back in Cheltenham next year & 3) The evening started off with still £10,000 to go to meet the costs of the convention, but tonight's offering met that goal.
I'm not going to write about the daytime seminars and workshops, so straight in to tonight's meeting.
Dr Steve Brady, principal of Moorelands Bible College preached from Isaiah 6, asking 'Who does God use?', to which he answered, 'People who...'
1) Glimpse the Glory of God
John 12 clarifies that it was the preincarnate Christ that Isaiah saw, and we know that the glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
2) Recognise the Reality of Sin
The real problem is not our smallness before His greatness, but Our sinfulness before His holiness. We never truly know ourselves until we see the glory and holiness of God.
3) Know the Certainty of Forgiveness
It is not Isaiah who takes the initiative, but God who takes the initiative out of sheer grace. God cleanses and forgives because of His great grace. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin - every stain has met its match.
God uses people who are motivated by gratitude for the grace of God in the finished work of Christ.
4) Sense the Enormity of the Task
Just look at Isaiah 6:9-13.
5) Believe in the Victory of the Mission
Isaiah 6:13 points us to the Holy Seed. This seed has been traced right from the beginning of the Bible when we're told in Gen. 3:15 that the seed of the woman will bruise the serpent's head. By the time we get to Isaiah 53 we should realise that this Seed is the Righteous Servant who will justify many, and in Gal. 3:16 we see that the Seed is Christ.
The mission will be victorious because Jesus, the Seed, has already won the victory.
I'm not going to write about the daytime seminars and workshops, so straight in to tonight's meeting.
Dr Steve Brady, principal of Moorelands Bible College preached from Isaiah 6, asking 'Who does God use?', to which he answered, 'People who...'
1) Glimpse the Glory of God
John 12 clarifies that it was the preincarnate Christ that Isaiah saw, and we know that the glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
2) Recognise the Reality of Sin
The real problem is not our smallness before His greatness, but Our sinfulness before His holiness. We never truly know ourselves until we see the glory and holiness of God.
3) Know the Certainty of Forgiveness
It is not Isaiah who takes the initiative, but God who takes the initiative out of sheer grace. God cleanses and forgives because of His great grace. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin - every stain has met its match.
God uses people who are motivated by gratitude for the grace of God in the finished work of Christ.
4) Sense the Enormity of the Task
Just look at Isaiah 6:9-13.
5) Believe in the Victory of the Mission
Isaiah 6:13 points us to the Holy Seed. This seed has been traced right from the beginning of the Bible when we're told in Gen. 3:15 that the seed of the woman will bruise the serpent's head. By the time we get to Isaiah 53 we should realise that this Seed is the Righteous Servant who will justify many, and in Gal. 3:16 we see that the Seed is Christ.
The mission will be victorious because Jesus, the Seed, has already won the victory.