Meanwhile, Elsewhere - Some really good links!
I haven't posted any links here for ages (I've just been tweeting them instead), but this week there were just too many good things to read or to which to listen, so I thought I would resurrect the Meanwhile, Elsewhere format.
- If you follow one link anywhere on the internet this week, let it be this one and listen to Steve Levy's amazing sermon on praying and preaching (Eph. 6:19-20). If you preach, listen to this. If you listen to preaching (which is everyone who goes to church!), listen to this. If you want to see the power of God at work, listen to this.
- Glen Scrivener reminds us of the importance of the fact that, not only did Christ die for us, but we died in Him. And then he shows what it means for holiness and for healing.
- In light of Steve Chalke's recent article on homosexuality, and the arguments in the CofE about women bishops, trajectory hermeneutics seem to be all the rage. Andrew Wilson has a look at the idea, the back up, and where it all goes wrong, pointing out a much better way to interpret Scriptural commands (which he calls Tea'N'TOAST, but you'll have to read his article to see what that's all about!)
- Can you preach expositional sermons in poor, uneducated congregations? Of course you can! And Mez McConnell has written an excellent article about it. What's more, he's not talking about some foreign mission field, but a council estate in Scotland, so a context not very far removed from you and I. Here's a taster: 'In my experience, when we open the Word, God’s Spirit brings it to bear in people’s lives. The Bible is the Word of God. It is alive. It is sharper than a double-edged sword. The problem is that it is usually wielded by half-wits who wouldn’t know a sword from a sausage.'
- Glen Scrivener is at it again. This time he demonstrates how to use 321 as a way to talk someone through the gospel. Have a look here for a video, written instructions, pictures and gospel origami.
- Finally, Ron Frost writes about the difference between worldly leadership and Christlike leadership. They're not the same, but, alas, too often we mix them up.