Forgiven - Past, Present & Future: Responding to a good question
Here's something a bit different. In the video above, I attempt to answer a question about justification by grace alone and the possibility of falling from grace (without getting too dazzled by the little light on the camera - it's scarier than I'd have imagined!). There are also a few guest appearances from a friendly alien.
Yeah, I know that the title sequence isn't all that great (I think I was going for "so bad it's good"). I have a few more questions already from people for future videos, but if you have a question to add to my list, then put it in the comments below (or get in touch some other way - text, tweet, facebook, email, or blog comment - whatever contact you have for me that suits you best). Maybe next time I won't get so dazzled by the camera light or confused by the technology and manage to concentrate a bit more on the answer.
There's undoubtedly a wee bit of the influence of Jonathan Fisk in the video style (in a very sedate and understated British way) from the early days of the Ninja Swords, before he got all technological with the white screen (although I'm very definitely nowhere near as charismatic as he - which is ironic as I'm a Pentecostal and he's a Lutheran. So, in honour of that, here's Jonathan Fisk himself on the possibility of falling from grace. Jump in at 1 min 57 seconds.
P.S. If you've subscribed to the blog and are reading it in an email or a reader, then you might just see two black boxes where the videos should be. In that case, if you want to see them you might have to click through to the blog. Sorry - that's just how the technology works.