If that's what the Bible is, then it's not a book you're avoiding!
The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit does His work of illumination as we read the Bible. In fact, the Holy Spirit works powerfully through the Word to give new life (1Peter 1:23, 25; James 1:18) and to sanctify (John 17:17). So, avoiding the Bible means avoiding the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is the Word of Christ. It's of Christ, because it's His Word. It's about Christ, because it speaks of Him. And it's to Christ, because it leads us to Him. So, avoiding the Bible means avoiding Jesus.
And the Bible is the Word of the Father breathed out in the Spirit. It is the Father's chosen way to reveal Himself – through the Son in the Scriptures. As we read the Bible, Jesus reveals the Father to us, and takes us to the Father to know loving communion with Him, as His well beloved sons in the Son. So avoiding the Bible means avoiding the Father.
Avoiding reading and hearing the Scriptures isn't simply a case of putting off reading a good book. No, avoiding the Scriptures means avoiding our Triune God, who meets with us in the Scriptures in His love and grace.