A Sermon on Holy Scripture
Here's a recent sermon on 2 Timothy 13-17 about what the Bible is and what it does.
The Bible isn't just a book about God, but it is God's powerful, life-giving Word. As we read the Scriptures for ourselves, and as we hear them proclaimed in church, we hear the voice of Jesus Christ our Saviour who speaks to us of the great love of our Triune God and Jesus invites us to come to our loving heavenly Father through Him. These are the Holy Scriptrues which display the beauty and sweetness of the love of the Triune God and which invite us into that sweet love and fellowship through the shed blood of Jesus.
The Bible isn't just a book about God, but it is God's powerful, life-giving Word. As we read the Scriptures for ourselves, and as we hear them proclaimed in church, we hear the voice of Jesus Christ our Saviour who speaks to us of the great love of our Triune God and Jesus invites us to come to our loving heavenly Father through Him. These are the Holy Scriptrues which display the beauty and sweetness of the love of the Triune God and which invite us into that sweet love and fellowship through the shed blood of Jesus.