Resource Pages
The page of Apostolic Theology Resources is to be the home of a (hopefully growing) number of permanent resources on Apostolic theology. Already it is home to the Tenets of the Apostolic Church and has sub-pages containing The Fundamentals of the Apostolic Church and some sermons on the Eternal Purpose (the heart of Apostolic Theology) by Ps. Warren Jones, former national leader of the Apostolic Church in the UK.
There is also a page of resources for my seminary students. There I have some very useful links, including, but not limited to, a few good online journals. There are also pages for some specific classes. Some of these are rather bare at the moment, but the Philosophy of Religion page should be expanding in the coming weeks to be of service to my Spring Term Philosophy of Religion students. So if you're in that class next semester, you can already find some information on required and recommended reading over there. It even has a song for you to sing!
There are also a few other pages with things like reading recommendations; but, as I've said, it's still a bit minimalist and experimental for the moment.