D.P. Williams Tweets
Here are some tweet-sized chucks from D.P. Williams:
"There is a danger to make Christ only a part of our pursuit, seeking some experience of Him, instead of Himself."
'Mi gaf yno weld fy Mhriod, Syllu ar Ei Wyneb hardd, Cofio'r Groes a chofio'r Cymod, Cofio'r ingoedd yn yr Ardd.'
(And now my attempt at a rhyming translation...)
There indeed I'll see my Bridegroom, Gaze upon His lovely face, Remember His Cross and His Atonement, How he suffered in my place.
"Humility never sees its own beauty, because its eyes are upon Jesus, the Humble One."
"It is a blessed state when the soul finds its own nothingness, and that it can live only by the grace of God."
Repentance = "the giving up of all hope to find anything good in self"
Faith = "the going out of self, to live in Jesus"
"God's Holiness is His love stooping down to reach the sinner."
"God's love is not a sentiment, not an emotion: it is a Person ... That Man is Jesus."