Trinitarian Worship Songs
It can't be proven, but I highly suspect that if you're reading this blog, then it's due to one of either two things: either you know me somehow, or you stumbled across it while searching for songs about the Trinity. Believe it or not, the most read post of all time on this blog is about the Trinitarian content (or lack thereof, as the case may be) of worship songs. So, I thought today that I'd finally do a post on some Trinitarian worship songs. Of course, it isn't an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will give you some ideas for new worship songs, older worship songs, and a few hymns as well.
(Where the composer has freely provided Chord Charts or Lead Sheets online, I've included links.)
New Worship Songs
Older Worship Songs
Hymns with a Last Verse Trinitarian Doxology
There are lots of these, so here are just a few well-known examples.
(Where the composer has freely provided Chord Charts or Lead Sheets online, I've included links.)
New Worship Songs
- O Splendour of God's Glory Bright (Zac Hicks) Chord Chart, Lead Sheet
One of the newest of worship songs meets one of the oldest of hymns. Zac Hicks has taken Ambrose of Milan's ancient hymn and combined it with the Gloria Patri and some great music that fits the majestic theme to craft a deeply theological Trinitarian worship song. (The Video below is of the album recording from Without Our Aid.)
- Grace is Not Earned (Kate Simmonds) Chord Chart & Lead Sheet (both in one PDF)
This song is all about God's great grace in salvation, but the first verse puts it in a clear Trinitarian framework: 'Grace is the heart of the Father / Grace is the gift of the Son / Grace is the work of the Spirit / revealing the wonder of an amazing God.' (The video below is of Kate Simmonds singing the song with a simple keyboard accompaniment.)
- O God of Our Salvation (Michael Bleecker and Matt Boswell) Chord Chart
With a verse to each Person of the Trinity, a Trinitarian chorus, and a bridge that includes the words 'One God, One Being, One Essence, O Triune God proclaimed', you can't get much more Trinitarian in a contemporary worship song than this. (The video below is of Michael Bleecker teaching the song, if you just want to hear the song, skip to 1:19.)
Older Worship Songs
- Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (Andy Piercy & Dave Clifton)
For some reason this one always makes me think of the Alpha Course. (Maybe it's just that they both came out of Holy Trinity, Brompton.) The only video I could find was from an episode of Songs of Praise in 1996 (and seeing again what the 90s looked like was indeed a shock. The song, however, has not aged as badly as the 90s fashion.)
- Father We Love You, We Worship and Adore You (Dona Adkins)
Trinitarian Worship doesn't need to be complicated. This is a great song to sing in response to Biblical truth.
- Come Now Almighty King (Martin Maddan, Bob Kauflin & John Spiro) Chord Chart, Lead Sheet
A modernised an retuned Trinitarian hymn. With a verse each to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and a final verse 'to the Great One-in-Three'.
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Reginald Heber)
I've noticed on various occasions that the most powerful times of worship during AblazeUK (the annual convention of the Apostolic Church) is not when we sing the latest worship song to sweep the UK, but rather during an old hymn. And last summer that hymn was Holy, Holy, Holy. 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Merciful and Mighty / God in three Persons, Blessed Trinity.' Not a hymn to be rushed through.
- Glory Be to God the Father (Horatius Bonar)
Can be sung to any hymn tune. (e.g. the tune of Praise My Soul the King of Heaven).
Hymns with a Last Verse Trinitarian Doxology
There are lots of these, so here are just a few well-known examples.
- Now Thank We All Our God (Martin Rinkart; transl. Catherine Winkworth)
All praise and thanks to God the Father now be given,
The Son and Him who reigns with them in highest heaven;
The One Eternal God, whom heaven and earth adore,
For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.
- Salvation Unto Us Has Come (Paul Speratus)
All blessing, honor, thanks and praise
To Father, Son, and Spirit,
The God who saved us by his grace;
All glory to his merit.
O triune God in heaven above,
You have revealed your saving love;
Your blessed name we hallow.