Jesus Our Substitute (Basic Theology Session 5)
Jesus our Substitute was the subject of the latest Basic Theology session. (You can listen to it here.)We looked not only at His substitutionary work on the Cross, but also at His life as our substitute. Jesus didn't just die for us; He also lived for us and obeyed for us.
We didn't get time to cover all the aspects of the Cross I had hoped to look at, and so mainly focused on Penal Substitution and Propitiation. But even there time was limited, so here's a bit more on propitiation that I didn't have time to cover in the talk:
6 Bullet Points on Propitiation from Romans 5:24-25:
We didn't get time to cover all the aspects of the Cross I had hoped to look at, and so mainly focused on Penal Substitution and Propitiation. But even there time was limited, so here's a bit more on propitiation that I didn't have time to cover in the talk:
6 Bullet Points on Propitiation from Romans 5:24-25:
- Propitiation is God's Work - it is God who set forth Jesus as our propitiation.
- Our Propitiation is found only in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified - Jesus bore the wrath of God, which we deserve, through His death on the Cross in our place.
- Propitiation leads to Justification - our justification is the result of Christ's work of propitiation.
- Propitiation is necessary - it's through propitiation that God can save us justly, for as our propitiation Jesus has undergone the punishment we deserved.
- Propitiation goes hand in hand with Penal Substitution - Propitiation works because Jesus has borne the wrath of God in our place.
- We receive Christ's propitiation only through faith - it's not automatic or mechanical, but received only by those who trust in Jesus.
At one point in the talk I mention a short video which we watched together on the night. That video is the work of Glen Scrivener, and here it is: