A Service Centred on the Breaking of Bread
· Songs – we should sing about Christ and His Cross. The focus should be on Him and what He has done, rather than on us. This means that some songs which would be very appropriate at other times are not so appropriate on the Lord’s Day morning.
· Prayers – the main focus of prayer in this meeting should be on praise and thanksgiving, as well as the accompanying confession. It's not a prayer meeting; there are plenty of opportunities in other meetings for supplication and intercession
· Preaching – ‘Him we proclaim’ (Col 1:28). Our preaching should be Christ-focused, faithfully proclaiming Christ, the chief subject of the Scriptures, in all the Scriptures.
· Rubrics (the transitions between bits of the meeting) – should not distract from the purpose of the meeting. They should be kept on focus, and kept Scriptural. They should highlight God’s grace to us in Christ shown at the Cross.
In short, the Breaking of Bread service should be full of Gospel content.