On Fasting

Last week for the Apostolic Church's national week of prayer and fasting, I put out some short videos on Facebook Live with some teaching on what Christian fasting is all about. From the feedback I've been getting, it sounds like lots of people found them quite helpful, so (although you can still find them on Facebook), I thought it might be useful to put them together into a playlist (in the right order) on Youtube (which you can find here). So, if you've got some questions about fasting, or think they'd be of any help to anyone else, you know where to find them. (Don't worry - they're all quite short. I don't have the patience for long videos on the internet, so I don't think I should subject anyone to long videos either!)

The picture below gives a summary of some of the main points from the videos.

Hopefully the videos explain all that a bit better than the picture can though!

And here are the videos:

1. A Gift of Grace

2. Waking Up to Our Weakness

3. Longing for Jesus

4. Jesus Fasted For Us; We Fast In Him

5. Training and Fighting

6. The End of the Fast