Us in Jesus, Jesus in Us: The Sacraments

(Click here to watch on YouTube.)

The third of the mini-catechism videos has arrived. This week we're thinking about the sacraments and how salvation in Jesus is up close and personal.

If you haven't seen the other videos in the series, you can find them here. We've already looked at how God uses His law in the Ten Commandments to show us the truth about ourselves and our sin, and our need for salvation. Then we saw from the Apostles' Creed the Good News of who our God is and what He has done for us and for our salvation. Next week we'll be thinking about the Lord's Prayer, and then finally the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

If you like the videos, then please "like" them (and even comment if you feel like it) on YouTube (as the more interactions a video gets on YouTube, the easier it is for other people to stumble across and find). You can also subscribe to the YouTube channel (and that way you'll know about new videos as soon as they're released, even if I don't mention them here on the blog for a while). Thanks for watching!