Eucharisma: A New Venue for Thoughtful Pentecostal & Charismatic Writing
Earlier this week, the second issue of Eucharisma was published (and I've got an article in it on praying the name of Jesus). I haven't had time to say much about Eucharisma yet (or about anything else this year, for that matter!), but I do want to highlight it. T.M. Suffield and I have launched Eucharisma as a forum to encourage us within the UK Pentecostal and Charismatic world to think deeply, read deeply, and be rooted in the Christian tradition. So, we aim to publish thoughtful theological writing from across the UK Charismatic, Pentecostal, and Continuationist scene. That's a wide scope, so we won't always agree. Yet, within our disagreements, we want to encourage thoughtful dialogue.
Unfortunately, Pentecostals and Charismatics tend to have a (sometimes deserved) bad reputation when it comes to careful theological thought. I hope both on this blog and in my published work elsewhere that I've helped demonstrate that that need not be the case. But I'm not alone, and so in Eucharisma we want to help draw together voices from across the various spheres of UK continuationist thought (for, all too often, we're only familiar with people within our own sphere).
So, Eucharisma is a theological ‘journal’ aimed at Pentecostal and Charismatic churches and Pastors in the UK. (It's not a scholarly journal — we're not writing for academics, but for the thought-life of the church.) There are, unfortunately, very few opportunities for people to write theologically in Pentecostal/Charismatic spaces. Yet, writing—and engaging with good theological writing—helps to shape the thinking of our future thinkers, teachers, and leaders.