Revival and Pre-Conceived Notions
It is no use praying for revival with preconceived notions as to the operations of the Spirit of God. Are you willing to acknowledge that revival is as much needed in your own heart and life as in those you pray for? Are you willing for God to prostrate you, and humiliate your fleshly nature? Would you willingly accept in your stylish modern churches such manifestations as recorded on the pages of this book [describing the Revival in Ulster of 1859]? Is is not true that you are only prepared to accept revival upon your own conditions, subject to all being done with decency and order? Are you prepared to throw your high notions to the winds and believe that what is considered disorder by the modern, religious professor, is glorious order in the sight of God? Would you be prepared to speak with tongues as they did in apostolic revivals? If so, then look up, open your hearts, the revival is already in your midst in all its pristine glory and power. Hallelujah.
(These notes were written in 1912 by a British Pentecostal pioneer, Henry Mogridge of Lytham, Lancashire, inside his copy of Samuel Moore's The Great Revival in Ireland 1859. Mogridge was one of Britian's first Pentecostals, having been baptised in the Holy Spirit in Sunderland on 30th November, 1907.)
Previous Posts:
- Reports of Revival Fuel Prayer for Revival
- Revival: The Holy Spirit Works Through the Weak
- What is Revival?
- A Call to Prayer: From Now Until Easter