Advent Services
Since the lockdown began in the Spring, we've been livestreaming our service each Sunday night on Facebook live via the Apostolic Theology page. But now that Advent is upon us, we thought we'd experiment with streaming it to Youtube as well, in case that is any easier for some people. So, if you'd like to join with us "in" Abergavenny on a Sunday evening, you'll find us either on the Facebook page or Youtube at 8:30pm.
Our online services are simple: we hear the Scriptures read, I preach from one of the day's Scriptures (we've been in Genesis for the last few months, but we'll be looking at the Advent Gospels over the next four weeks), we have a Breaking of Bread (for spiritual communion), and we pray and sing some hymns and choruses. So, if you don't have a Sunday evening service in your own church, you're very welcome to join us.