Free video resource for Baptism & Discipleship

Baptismal classes are one of the best opportunities for giving new believers some basic teaching to prepare them for the Christian life. So here's something I've made to help with that.

People are very happy to come along for a few weeks of classes before they get baptised to make sure they understand what it's all about. And those few weeks of Baptismal preparation also give a great opportunity for some basic discipleship. So, we've put together a series of video teaching and Bible studies to go with them to help you with such a great discipleship opportunity.

The videos teach about baptism, and make sure that new believers have a good grounding in the gospel, as well as introducing some basic foundations of the Christian life and faith. So, for example, in Session 3, when we're talking about the words used at Baptism, we'll think about who our God is: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And in Session 5 we'll talk about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 

The idea is for this to be as flexible a resource as possible. The main teaching is in the videos, which can be used with a group or one-to-one. The Bible studies won't give all the teaching by themselves, but they give you an opportunity to talk to people about what they've heard in the video, answer their questions, and introduce them to reading the Bible carefully for themselves and finding answers in God's Word. 

There's also a section at the end of each Bible study to help encourage people to pray during the week based on the Scripture they've been studying.

What's the Aim?

Overall, the course aims to help you teach people about Baptism, ground people in the gospel, begin to help them understand foundational Christian truths, prepare people for the Christian life, and encourage people in a life of prayer and worship. (I know that sounds like a lot, but it's a simple resource that will open up all those opportunities for you!)

How do I get it?

The videos are on our YouTube page (as the easiest way to get them to you without any cost). And the Bible studies and leader's guides can be found here.

However, if you want to use the videos somewhere without an internet connection then YouTube's no good. So, in that case, email me and I'll get offline versions to you another way.

If you subscribe to the YouTube channel, you'll also find some other short teaching videos there already (and more to come). Plus, subscribing to the YouTube channel makes videos from the channel more likely to be suggested by YouTube to other people, so clicking subscribe actually helps more people to hear some decent gospel teaching!

Subscribe on YouTube

Future Resources

Let us know how useful you find the videos and studies. Tell us what ways they work and what ways they don't. We want to make more helpful resources for you in the future, so any feedback will help us to provide you with better and better resources.

When I get some more time for filming, the next two series we have in the works are on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and on the Breaking of Bread. After that we're thinking about resources on Prayer and Worship (among other things). They'll be the sort of things that can be either useful in one-to-one discipleship settings or for use in midweek small groups.

In the Meantime...

If you're looking for some help with teaching and discipleship, I know of a big orange book with lots in it to help you in just that way ;)
You can get the orange Apostolic Theology book here.